The Coffee Paradisus

How To Make An Authentic Italian Double Shot Espresso At Home?

How To Make An Authentic Italian Double Shot Espresso At Home?

There’s something truly magical about a well-crafted double shot espresso, a true embodiment of Italian coffee culture.

The rich, intense flavors and the aromatic crema are a delight to the senses. While sipping on this delightful brew at a café is an experience in itself, learning how to make an authentic Italian double shot espresso at home can be just as satisfying.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through every step of the process, from selecting the right beans to pulling the perfect shot, so you can enjoy a taste of Italy in your own kitchen.

How To Make An Authentic Italian Double Shot Espresso At Home?

How To Make An Authentic Italian Double Shot Espresso At Home?

Ingredients and Tools

Before we dive into the step-by-step process of making authentic Italian double shot espresso, let’s gather the ingredients and tools you’ll need:


  1. Espresso Coffee Beans: Choose high-quality espresso beans, preferably freshly roasted and ground just before use.


  1. Espresso Machine: You’ll need an espresso machine equipped with a portafilter and a steam wand.
  2. Espresso Grinder: Invest in a quality burr grinder to achieve the right consistency for your coffee grounds.
  3. Scale: A kitchen scale will help you measure the precise amount of coffee and water.
  4. Tamper: A tamper is used to evenly pack the coffee grounds into the portafilter.
  5. Filtered Water: Use freshly filtered water for the best results.
  6. Espresso Cups: Small, pre-warmed cups designed for espresso.
  7. Timer: A timer will help you control the shot time accurately.
  8. Thermometer: Essential for monitoring water and milk temperature if you’re using the steam wand.

Step 1: Selecting the Right Espresso Beans

The foundation of a perfect double shot espresso is the quality of the beans. Look for beans labeled as “espresso roast” or “espresso blend.”

These beans are specifically selected and roasted to produce a balanced and flavorful espresso shot. Always choose freshly roasted beans and grind them just before brewing for maximum freshness.

Step 2: Preheat Your Espresso Machine

Before you begin, it’s essential to preheat your espresso machine. Turn it on and allow it to heat up thoroughly. A properly heated machine ensures a consistent extraction temperature.

Step 3: Prepare Your Portafilter

  1. Grind your espresso beans to a fine consistency, similar to table salt. Use your grinder to achieve the right texture.
  2. Measure out the coffee grounds. A standard double shot of espresso typically requires 18-20 grams of coffee.
  3. Place the portafilter on the scale and add the measured coffee grounds.
  4. Use your tamper to evenly distribute and compact the coffee grounds in the portafilter. Apply firm, even pressure, ensuring the surface is level and smooth.

Step 4: Load the Portafilter

  1. Insert the loaded portafilter into the group head of your espresso machine.
  2. Start a timer as soon as you begin the extraction.

Step 5: Extract the Espresso Shot

This step is where the magic happens. Your goal is to extract a double shot of espresso in about 25-30 seconds. Follow these steps for a balanced shot:

  1. Start the espresso machine. The hot water will pass through the coffee grounds, extracting the flavors and creating a beautiful crema.
  2. Observe the espresso as it flows into your cup. It should form a steady stream.
  3. Adjust the grind size if needed. If the extraction is too fast (under 25 seconds), the grind may be too coarse. If it’s too slow (over 30 seconds), the grind may be too fine. Make small adjustments and retest.
  4. A properly extracted espresso shot should have a rich, reddish-brown crema on top and a balanced taste.

Step 6: Evaluate and Enjoy

  1. Examine the appearance of your espresso shot. A good shot should have a thick, velvety crema, which is a sign of proper extraction.
  2. Smell the aroma. An authentic Italian double shot espresso should have a rich, complex scent.
  3. Taste the espresso. It should be intense, with a balanced mix of sweetness, acidity, and bitterness.
  4. Sip it slowly and savor the experience. Enjoy your homemade Italian double shot espresso!

Step 7: Frothing Milk (Optional)

If you prefer a milky espresso drink like a cappuccino or latte, you can use the steam wand on your espresso machine to froth milk:

  1. Pour cold milk into a stainless steel milk frothing pitcher.
  2. Submerge the steam wand into the milk and turn on the steam function.
  3. Position the steam wand tip just below the milk’s surface and angle the pitcher to create a whirlpool effect.
  4. Heat the milk to around 150°F (65-70°C) while maintaining a whirlpool motion.
  5. Turn off the steam wand when the milk reaches your desired temperature.

Step 8: Assemble Your Espresso Drink

  1. Pour the espresso shot into a pre-warmed cup.
  2. If making a cappuccino, add an equal amount of frothed milk and milk foam.
  3. If making a latte, add a larger quantity of frothed milk, followed by a small amount of milk foam.

Step 9: Garnish and Serve

For an authentic touch, consider garnishing your espresso drink with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or a drizzle of chocolate or caramel syrup.

Serve your creation immediately while it’s at its freshest and enjoy the wonderful flavors of Italian coffee culture from the comfort of your home.


Mastering the art of making an authentic Italian double shot espresso at home is a rewarding experience that allows you to savor the true essence of espresso.

With the right beans, equipment, and technique, you can create a rich, aromatic shot that rivals those found in the best cafes of Italy.

So, whether you enjoy it straight or as the base for your favorite espresso-based drinks, follow this guide and elevate your coffee game to a whole new level of excellence.

How To Make An Authentic Italian Double Shot Espresso At Home? How To Make An Authentic Italian Double Shot Espresso At Home? How To Make An Authentic Italian Double Shot Espresso At Home? How To Make An Authentic Italian Double Shot Espresso At Home? How To Make An Authentic Italian Double Shot Espresso At Home? How To Make An Authentic Italian Double Shot Espresso At Home? How To Make An Authentic Italian Double Shot Espresso At Home? How To Make An Authentic Italian Double Shot Espresso At Home? How To Make An Authentic Italian Double Shot Espresso At Home?